Thursday, March 13, 2008

Loving Grandpa at Work

Guess who's coming over tomorrow? Our two-year-old angel granddaughter, Avery, is coming over; and Nana (my new name) talked Papa (my DH) into buying her a Barbie miniwheel to ride when she visits our house. Here is her sweet Papa assembling it. It's such a nice day that he can work out on the porch. Can you see his ever-present helper, Quincy, peeking under the little bike?

I hope her little legs are long enough to reach the pedals. She seems to have inherited her Nana's short stature. Once she gets the hang of this little vehicle, though, I think she'll love it. Her daddy burned up the wheels of two of them when he was her age.

My husband can do anything, so it should be assembled by the time I finish typing this. Then I get to put on the decals. I better go to bed early tonight to be prepared to run my short legs off chasing Avery tomorrow!

Edited to add: She isn't tall enough yet to ride the little bike--darn! However, she loved the little storage compartment under the seat.


Jan said...

Oh, how cute that bike is!!!! Don't worry she will grow into it fast enough, Nana!!!

The Southern Mom said... sweet.